Increase Your Revenue By 10-40% In 30 Days With Captivating Sales Copy
(Or You Don't Pay)

By building trust and establishing your brand as the ultimate authority

Trusted By

Client Results

What Clients Have to Say

10x Networth

FBA Roadmap

Canesta Digital Marketing Agency

Shred Now


"We had been spinning our wheels with our email list until we found Omar. He created copy that completely changed the trajectory of our email marketing campaign. He 3x our Open Rates and 2x our CTRs. His research on our product and more importantly our clients is what really made the difference..."

Jacob Jenkins - 10x Networth

"Omar really took the time to analyze the issues within our sales funnel. He made a proper sequence of emails and a sales letter with a clear CTA..."

Michael J - Shred Now Weight Loss Program

"Thank you for creating an email sequence that actually worked !"

Miles - FBA Roadmap

How We Work

Step number 1: PlanWe make a roadmap and define what success is in accordance to your goals. We create objectives, timelines, and how we can best serve your needs.

Step number 2: ResearchWe thoroughly research your prospects language, pain points, and psychological triggers. We understand what your prospects think about their problems and how they are currently trying to solve those specific problems .

Step number 3: CreationThis creation phase includes building out the copy. By clearly understanding your target audience, we write attention grabbing and engaging copy that resonates with your prospects.

Step number 4: Publish

  • A/B Testing

  • Tracking Metrics

  • Editing

By this stage your audience is introduced to the funnel and we are fine tuning. We use the best performers to get you the best results.

Let's see how we can help your business


  • Funnels

  • VSL

  • Sales Page

  • Email Campaigns

  • Ad Copy

  • Landing Page

Our Portfolio

  • High Converting Copy

  • Email Campaigns

  • Sales Letters

  • Lead Magnet

  • Funnels



We nurture, guide, and establish your brand as the ultimate authority through a unique sales funnel. The funnel is personally tailored to your audience and uses the AIDA principle. We create unique copy, include psychological triggers, and write compelling CTA's.A: Awareness
I: Interest
D: Desire
A: Action

Email Campaigns

Having trouble with open rates and CTRs? By thoroughly researching your prospects, we use their language and present specific pain points so they feel heard and understood. We create attention grabbing subject lines and engaging copy to establish trust with your audience.- Warm Up Sequences
- Sales Emails
- Newsletters
- Abandon Cart Emails

Short Form Copy

Attention is the most valuable currency in the world right now and the best way to grab it is through short form content. This is the fastest way to reach audience. We create punchy, concise, and copy with clear CTAs.- Ad Scripts
- Tik-Tok Scripts
- Instagram Captions
- Youtube Shorts
- SMS Automations

Long Form Copy

We create copy that deeply understands your prospects needs and establish your brand as the one to solve their problem.- VSLs
- Sales Pages
- Youtube Scripts

Let's see how we can help your business

Omar Juarez - Trigger Text WorksWith over $2 Million in generated sales through writing, Omar understands that in order to sway an audience to buy, one must understand their psychology. This includes doing the extensive research. By using his Trigger, Connect, and Convert method he builds trust and creates compelling offers. With years in a Sales and Marketing background he's decided to create Trigger Text Works to help online businesses grow.


Get in touch with us
Have questions about our services or how we operate?
Reach out !

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